Monday, March 26, 2007

Only 10 weeks max!

Can I just tell you how excited I am that I am in the home stretch of this pregnancy. I have felt lately like I still have forever to go, and very well may get to feeling that way again. BUT I am really, really close! Only 10 weeks max left for me. And when I look at my calendar and work schedule, it will fly by! I only have 2 slots left total before I go on leave. And only a total of 3 more working weekends. I am so excited to take leave, because I know it means it will be baby time. But I will so miss having interaction with my clients. However, with this being our 3rd baby, I may just be too busy to think about it. And seriously, can I just go ahead and mention....I am petrified of baby #3. We will officially be outnumbered. Scary. And let's not mention the fact that after having 2 boys, I am scared to death of having a girl. And my baby (Mason) is turning 2 in 3 weeks. Makes me kinda sad. He is growing up and so independent. He just melts my poor lil heart every time I see him, and I literally am clay in his hands. Which is surprising considering how ornry he really is. He has himself a new Dora potty (why can't they make potty's that have boy characters??? He loves Dora and I don't mind that it's Dora, but why don't they even make other characters? Is Dora really the only one with the great idea???) so we have been letting him sit on it whenever he feels like it. We know he's not ready, but he is learning what it's all about and thats step #1. So, my husband is getting the boys ready Saturday morning before my session and he took Mason to go sit on the potty. He didn't do anything of course, but A for effort right?!?! So, my hubby walks to his room to get him dressed and Mason wandered off towards the living room. Joseph went to go get him to get him dressed for the day. WELL, there he was in my entry way standing in front of a decorative Mexican terracotta pot, shirt lifted, peeing on the side of the pot with a HUGE smile on his face. He was trying to get it in the pot, just had bad aim. But he was so proud. Joseph came in to tell me what "my son" had just done, and Mason comes walking behind him shaking his head "yes" and clapping and smiling as his daddy tells me his great success. Moral of the story, don't say "let's go pee in the pot". Shortening it on accident isn't all it's cracked up to be, and you too could be on your hands and knees cleaning up peepee and cracking up uncontrollably. :) Have a great week everyone!!!

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