Thursday, May 17, 2007

Induction date

We had our 36 week (actually 36weeks 5 days but who's counting???) appointment and sono today. :) Everything went very well. We knew we would be talking about induction, and it would be based on the baby's size. She measured perfectly, estimated to be about 6lbs. 4oz.! Which is a great size, and luckily smaller than Mason was at that stage. We didn't want to have a larger baby than Mason so that we could make sure I could deliver her on my own. Mason was 8lbs 4oz 2 weeks early!!! So, she is a great size which is excellent news. She was so precious on the sono you could see her pouting her little lips, and sticking out her tongue. It was beautiful. So, since she isn't too big we will be induced at 39 weeks if we make it. My scheduled induction is June 4th! That's a maximum of 18 more days left!!! We are so excited. A week ago if you asked us, we would have been hoping for a sooner induction. But this is it for us, and we want to enjoy every last minute. And we have come this far, 18 more days is nothing! But there is still the possibility, especially since I have had so many problems, that she could still come sooner. I was 1-2 cm dilated, and he said really ready for delivery. I'll keep you all posted!!!


Megan said...


Jennifer said...

Yay, can't wait to hear of the good news!!! I bet you can't wait either?!:) I want to see pics after she is born, we want to see all the cutness!!!!:) Take care and good luck!

Megan said...

Woman! You need to update this thing more often. How am I to know if you are sitting on the couch counting the days until induction day or if you are off in the delivery room? :)