Saturday, May 05, 2007

Ohhh the drama!

I don't think I came properly equipped for child bearing. Each one of my pregnancies brings new events, new challenges, new drama. And as most of you know Brooklynne has been the Drama Queen since we found out she was there. Wednesday I went in to the Dr for my 34 week appointment, and everything was looking good. I have an ultrasound at 36 weeks and we will see how big she is and how I am doing to determine if we should induce sooner than 39 weeks if she doesn't come on her own before that. Thursday night we went and got some of the last minute stuff since we knew that at 35 weeks they would not stop her from coming. I was told to stay on my house arrest for one more week, so we would at least make it to 35 and a half. Well, my body thought perhaps we should just have a dry run to see how things would go down in the real event. Thursday night I felt a little different, Friday morning I called to let them know and they said just to watch it and let them know. Well, at 10:30 the contractions started. Nothing new for me. I start contracting like a mad woman at around 15 weeks each time, it's lame. So, nothing new...I went about my business but was feeling yuck. Decided I should lay down after about 45 minutes of consistent contractions. A couple hours later we decided I should be checked. So, off we went on the dry run. My mom took the boys, Joseph came all the way home from work and we headed downtown. In the 30 minute drive I had 6 contractions, so they were moving closer together. They checked me and I am still 1cm dilated, which is good news - the contractions were not dilating me. They monitored me and by that point I was contracting pretty good about every 2-3 minutes apart. We decided either I could go to the hospital and sit and see what happens or I could come home, take some pain pills to help relax my muscles and rest. I took option #2, and guess what happened?!?! Nothing. No baby (which is good cause I am still finishing up some work). Basically, my body is all talk at this point. Stupid body. Thank the good Lord this is it for me. And the lovely women who stayed at my Dr's office on a Friday afternoon to wait for me to come in for nothing - bless you. I seriously LOVE my Dr and all of his nurses, they rock. They put up with me, so they have to be extra special. :) I'll keep you all posted to the never ending saga of my final weeks of pregnancy and my lame body.


Unknown said...

So glad to know that you and family are doing good. Can't wait to see pics of her!

Megan said...

Hang in there! This will not be the last of the drama queen....just you WAIT! Girls are a whole 'nother ballgame, my friend! :)