Friday, August 03, 2007


Well, ladies and gents this weekend I am back in action and Bella Amadis Photography is reopening after my almost 3 month leave. I am so excited. I have a bunch of new clients coming out this month that I am so excited to meet and work with. And of course, my awesome regulars who I am just so thrilled to see. :o) I am going to sit down and work on my Fall schedule and get that out soon. I have had a ton of inquiries on when I will start booking for Christmas sessions, and since there are already people asking it will likely be soon that I start scheduling them. The actual sessions will likely start next month. Which is crazy to already be thinking of Christmas, but last year we started mid September and were booked in no time for the rest of the year and we unfortunately had to turn people away. So, this year I am on top of the game! Ok, I gotta run before the little peeps cause some trouble. Here are some pictures from yesterday of my little sweet munchkins....

1 comment:

Megan said...

What a cute bunch. Aren't you Little Miss Lucky?

Welcome back to chaos! I'm leaving for vacation Sunday night after church & it couldn't come at a better time (I've been swamped).

BTW, we'll be driving through your neck of the woods (A-town) on the way to the beach. Bring on the sand-n-sunshine! YAY!