For those of you who don't frequent a lot of photography blogs, you're probably clueless to the very fun game of "tag" that's been going around lately. I've been tagged by my amazing photographer friend (and sometimes my brain), Megan of
Four Seasons Photography (she is a kick rear photographer in Oklahoma - I think I love her). You are supposed to share eight things about yourself & then tag eight other people. So here are mine (and can I just tell you how hard it was to think of 8 things??? Pretty sad, huh.):
1. I am just going to get this out of the way and admit that I love food. I have a passion for food, and appreciate a party in my mouth. I have been blessed with good metabolism...but fear that those days may be coming to an end.
2. Which brings me to #2. I hate to excercise. I think it's the devil. And it doesn't like me much either. But I have recruited a girlfriend who does work out to get my butt in gear so I can lose this last bit of baby fluff. Maybe.
3. I secretly want to be a nurse when I grow up. I just broke this news to my husband last week. I think he and I both thought when I began this journey of
Bella Amadis Photography, that this would be where I would be for like ever. But my passion to be a nurse has not left, and I am planning to try to make that a reality once my children are all a little bigger. I will still run this business though, I don't think I could stop this.
4. My husband and I DVR all the shows we like and watch them at night once the munchkins are snoozing. We are Big Brother fans, CSI, and of course Greys! We also enjoy Dirty Jobs and shows like Mythbusters or Look I was born with 5 Heads type of shows. Ok, not really that but you get what I mean.
5. I was 20 when I got married and am going to be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary in November. I never would have thought I'd have 3 kids under 5 by the age of 27, but it's the best thing in the world.
6. I enjoy regular pedicures with my mom (and Brooklynne tags along too). It's really great girl bonding time.
7. My parents and my grandparents are my heros. There just aren't words to describe how amazing they are.
8. I go to Hill Country Bible Church NW, it's a great church!
So, now I am supposed to tag 8 more people....but almost everyone has been tagged!
1. I am going to tag my other great friend,
Robin DePaula. Megan tagged her, but she's slacking. So I am tagging her again so she'll get her rear in gear!
2. My other lovely friend
Jackie of Jax Creations. She better get on it too! lol
Jennifer Carter, who is just about one of the sweetest gals a girl can call a friend.
Vicki Byerley, she taught me a lot of what I know. We are like 2 peas in a pod...which is trouble waiting to happen. lol But she is just wonderful, and a very dear friend.
5. My lovely Aussie friend,
Lindy, who I secretly want to talk on the phone with JUST so I can hear her accent!
6. One of my biggest inspirations,
Kim. Her son Kicked Cancer's Butt and reminds me to appreciate everyday.
7. Not a photographer, but one talented Momma.
Deborah, of Sassy Satchels, is one of my clients and makes a real fancy diaper bag!
8. Ok, I hurt my brain getting 7 and my baby is done with me being on here!