Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A word about the contest

I just received a not so friendly comment regarding the contest end time, saying I had not stuck to my rules. As I mentioned before the contest was expiring in ONE WEEK FROM THE START DATE, at midnight on the 16th, meaning 12 AM....which has come and gone. The start date was the 8th, which one week would have put it to expire on the 15th, I provided all day the 15th. In addition, I also let the contestants know of their image being in the contest before it went live. When that email was sent out, they were notified voting would last one week. And I have to be honest, even with a 3% win, it would have taken a ton of votes to change that with as many were received. This was all meant in fun. We are not competing for a car, a trip....I am a mommy and do the best I can with what I can. It really makes me sad to be attacked over something they misunderstood on a contest meant for fun! I appreciate all the votes, and hope that others can still appreciate the fun this has been.

1 comment:

Robin DePaula said...

Yeah, it sucks when people do stupid things like that!! I've had that happen in the past as well . . . sucks all the fun out of it for me!!!

<3 Robin