Sunday, January 27, 2008

My little Valentine's

Have I ever mentioned how much I adore my own children? Of course, there are times I wish I could lock myself in the closet in efforts to get a moment of sanity. :o) But they are cute. And fabulous. And they really are amazing kids. And I have to tell you, I generally don't like themed pictures. But I LOVE Valentine's pictures. They are so lovely, and cute. And I get to make cute little Valentine's for them to take to class. *sigh* I love these.....

And can you believe how big this baby is? She will be 8 months old tomorrow! I CANNOT believe how fast it has flown. And she gets lovelier everyday. She started crawling just before Christmas, about a month ago and boy can she book it. She started pulling up too. But she has no teeth, and little hair. Silly girl. Oh, and yes she had a lolli. It was all for the price of pictures. Bad Mommy. (she loved the sugar - note to self: hide the lollis)

1 comment:

Megan said...

Oh. My. Goodness. I can't believe how big she's gotten!!!