Sunday, July 06, 2008

Back Yard Bible Club!

If you live in the Austin area, you may have started to see signs pop up in yards for Back Yard Bible Club. As a member of Hill Country Bible Church, this is such an exciting event for us and our children. Reagan has participated for 2 years now, though he was a little young and didn't really get it till last year. This year we decided to host a club here at our house. Because our church is so large, and our goal is to reach the community - we take our VBS right to our neighborhoods. Teens from our church go to camps to help them prepare to lead the clubs, they put on cool skits, talk about the Bible, even have a water day right in the front yard of each host home. Yes, I know it's technically Front Yard Bible Club, but that just doesn't sound as cool. lol Anyways, all of this to say - if you have a child that is 5 years old through 4th grade - please bring them to my front yard this week!!! We are a host home this year, Reagan is so excited about it and we'd love to have everyone! The club is this Monday - Thursday, with a huge Summerfest party at the church on Friday! Our club time is at 7:30pm, please email or call me if you need directions or have any questions about the club. You can also go to for more info or to find a club near you!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Have fun!!!