Friday, September 12, 2008

{Not so} Useful Facts

Can you handle anymore of these???? I hope so, cause I've got a lot on my mind people. Apparently my little homies have no desire to hear me complain about how my hair just won't look the same or how I need a pedicure but should really think about shaving first. So, since this IS my blog and all I am pouring more useless facts into your lives. It's really useless thoughts, which is mostly what my being is made up of. Be warned, if you aren't into me and my uselessness (is that a word??) please find another place to visit fast. I'm useless. Ness. Amen.

1. I went to fill up my truck with gas last night, and apparently so did everyone else.

2. I wasn't filling up cause I was worried, I was filling up cause my children like it when I get them from school.

3. We're in Austin, and I'm sure we're gonna have some storms but in Texas we apparently go big or go home. So everyone is preparing.

4. Except for me.

5. I did manage to go to the grocery store today.

6. Was baffled again by the amount of people there stocking up.

7. I was there not to stock up for hurricanes, but to get food for our weekly Fat Free Friday eating frenzy.

8. I am a firm believer that your body does not consume fat on Friday's.

9. This would be why I've gained 10 lbs in 3 months.

10. But momma didn't raise a quitter!

11. Speaking of quitters, I started my "Get my butt in better shape campaign" yesterday.

12. I am motivated since I don't want to buy any more jeans(i have a jean addiction and just want to continue to fit the ones i have and love).

13. I am however taking donations for the "Buy Bethany New Jeans Fund" in case I fail miserably.

14. Not really.

15. But if you really want to send me money or cute jeans I'll squeal and love you forever.

16. I actually have a weekend OFF!

17. And it's going to storm.

18. I totally appreciate when that happens to me.

19. Not really.

20. This is the calm before the storm, after this weekend our life is going to be hectic.

21. We are hosting a photographer get together here in a few weeks.

22. I am sooo not prepared.

23. Which is another awesomeness thing from me.

24. Not really.

25. I was going to have a garage sale in the morning to get rid of a bunch of crap.

26. Then Ike happened to me, someone come take my crap please.

27. Thank you.

28. It's almost nap time, and I am excited.

29. I would rather take a nap than mop my floors, guess which one I'll do.

30. NOOOO, it's not nap. Sheesh.

31. I went to Target this week, to get a "few things"....

32. 2 pairs of heels, 2 shirts for me, 3 boy shirts, pants for the man, jammies for the girl, jeans for the girl, a new rug.......

33. I got a spankin'.

34. Not really.

35. The heels were for me just to clarify. Joseph can't ever find his size. HA Ok, silly me.

36. It's nap time and I've run out of randamonium. Is it bad to end this on a mid-point number thing???

37. I think it is.

38. My kids are cwazy.

39. And now it's nap time.

40. Peace out home slices.

And because I know you don't just come here to listen to my junk, here is an image from a recent session. A favorite of mine, I just love this little guy! So does Brooklynne. lol


Megan said...

I can see why Brooklyn loves him! :) Love the red.

Kayla Renckly Photography said...

You crack me up woman!

Karmen Lindner said...

That was funny:oD

Anonymous said...

Omg, he is tooo cute !!! I just love reading your not so useful facts .. they make me chuckle :) Ok, yah total nerd here .. is it time for bed yet ?? We have gotten sooo much rain and flooding, I have been house bound with a 3 + 4 year old who are drooling to get outside :)
Have a great week girlie... Christie