Thank you to everyone who emailed all of the wonderful questions! I like to talk, and I like to answer questions. I'm an open book, so this is fun stuff for me! Plus, if I'm answering your questions - I don't have to figure out what to write on my own. lol I am a tad sick, so my head is in a FOG. Yikes! So, here we go with Q&A Monday!
How long have you known and been married to your husband?Joseph and I have known each other for 9 years now, been married for 7 1/2. We married really young, I was 20 and he was 21. Everyone thought we were crazy to marry so young, but we were crazy in love and it was just right. We have a great foundation, with God as our cornerstone - we are going strong everyday! He is my BFF and I am truly the most blessed woman in the world. Just don't let him read this or he'll get a big head. :oP Oh and another fun and random fact is we married on 11/11/00, so on 11/11/11 we will celebrate our 11th anniversary. We didn't actually plan it that way.
Are you done having children?Yes! lol We have 3 beautiful babies, and that's plenty for me. I don't have beautiful pregnancies, they really take a toll on my body. So, I will not be bearing any more children. We have talked about adopting later on, in at least 4 years or so. But it's really just a thought, and who knows where we'll be in 4 years. Actually we got to talking about it when Joseph laid it on me as a movie began. You know, just as the previews were ending he leaned over and said "So, do you want to adopt a baby?" and I accidentally yelled "WHAT?" of course just as the theater fell quiet. lol It was classic. And I suddenly had no appetite for popcorn.
What's your IQ? LOL, thanks Megan but they say it's too much to measure. HAHA! HA.
If money were no object, where would you go on vacation? Oh gosh, if money were no object I'd just go vacation hopping! I'd probably start in St. Thomas (my mom says it's amazing), I'd travel Europe, and likely end with a long visit in Australia! Oh, and I think we'd have to work Disney in there somehow, for the kids of course.
What kind of camera would you have? Being a Nikon girl, I'd definitely have the D3.
But I just got the D300, and we're in love. It's an amazing camera!
I know you are pretty much self taught- what are your favorite photography books, websites, or other resources?The internet is an amazing resource! I am completely self taught, but was lucky enough to have people via internet that helped me find my way. Scott Kelby books would be a huge recommendation, there just aren't any better books out there!
Is it hard to become a professional photographer, if I have a good camera can I make it to where you are? Great question! But hard to answer! lol Yes, it is and can be hard to become a professional photographer. In this industry we many times see people who get the fancy equipment and think poof you are instant photographer. And it's just not the case. A real pro can get any kind of camera, and still make amazing art. I like to compare it to my baking. lol I can't bake to save my life, I'm not a recipe follower. I don't like to measure, read directions, follow rules. And of course if I try to bake it is disasterous. I can't go out and buy all the best baking supplies, and equipment and call myself a pastry chef. It's talent, not equipment. It's the same as any art, if you can't paint you can't go buy an easel and canvas and call yourself a painter. I can't get tools and expect to walk into a dealership to become a mechanic. And no matter what if you don't have it, it just doesn't work. Not everyone is meant to be a professional photographer, and the equipment is really just a small detail. ;o)
Where do you want to see your business go?You know, I am really happy with where we are now. Where we will go depends on so many different things. I have as much as I can handle at the moment, so this is where I want to be now. I started this journey thinking this would be something to do every now and then. I didn't actually anticipate being booked 6-8 weeks in advance, or have waiting lists! Since now both boys will be in school I will have weekday sessions available here and there. But really, I am still first and foremost a mommy and that takes priority. We added weddings to our services this year, so we are excited about the possibilities that will bring. And long term, we'd like to have a dedicated studio space and having as much fun or more as we do now. We take a very fun, laid back approach to this all. It helps me maintain sanity and keeps this fun without feeling like that 3 letter word I hate (JOB).
When is your birthday, and how old will you be?My birthday is August 23rd, 1980. Yep, I said it - I am technically an 80s baby. You can lift your chins off the floor, cause I know most people don't realize I am only 27! :oP So we did everything young. lol
When you say Mason is special needs, what exactly does that mean?This post should help you better understand what is going on with Mason. We also finally got his formal diagnosis in February, Mason has
PDD-NOS (pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified). Along with the Sensory Integration and Auditory Processing Disorder for grins. ;o)
Basically, it's easiest to just say he is high functioning autism. He is on the spectrum of autism, but many people have one look for autism stuck in their heads. And the reality is, autism doesn't look one particular way. It isn't the same for every child, it manifests in so many different ways. And we feel so blessed to have a child like Mason, he reminds us everyday to appreciate the little things and not to sweat the small stuff. And it has taught me patience, I used to get annoyed out and about with children having a fit. Now I'm one of those mom's at times, and it has helped me to realize you don't know the circumstances. In ours, Mason can't help it. He is led by emotion, it's not misbehaving - it's just frustrating I'm sure to not be understood.
Well, folks there are more questions I didn't get to but am saving for Part 2 of Q&A Monday coming soon! Thanks for stopping by to read my ramble!