Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hello Coolness!

The other evening we took the kiddos out to check out a new park, and on the way we saw these huge parachute looking thingy's in the air. Thingy' must really appreciate my technical terminology here. I'm all about teaching the masses, ya know. :oP

So, we drive in search of the flyers of the thingy's and you won't believe how cool this is!!! I have NO idea what it's called, but holy moly coolness! We sat and watched these guys for a bit, then I finally mustered up the nerve to ask if I could be awkward and photograph them. And of course they didn't mind! It was so much fun to watch and photograph, and by golly now I want to try it! These guys were so nice about it all, and looked like they were just having the best time. When I finally put the camera down and got back in the car, Reagan tells me "Wow, those guys have a cool job!". LOL It was really cute. ;o)

Then we finally made our way to the new park I discovered, and just in time too. It was dark in no time at all, but I still managed to capture a couple at sunset. My favorite! Have a great weekend, I am off! It's strange, but so necessary right now!


Jennifer said...

oh wow the colors and scenary are absolutely beautiful!

Megan said...

Your colors are looking DY-no-MITE (said in a JJ voice)! Spill it. ;)

Karmen Lindner said...

Way cool shots! Love, love the last sunset image with the fam!

Unknown said...

Thanks guys!

Megan - it's my action! Don't you know?!?!