Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Get the tissue.

I'm not sure if anyone caught the Today show this morning, but I wanted to share this link to a video that is very close to most photographer's. Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep is an organization of photographer's that donate their time and talent for bereavement photography. I have known about NILMDTS for a couple years, but it wasn't until the beginning of the year I started taking steps to joining their organization. I hadn't felt brave enough, or strong enough, or prepared enough before. And think the truth of the matter is I'm still not brave enough, but I don't think anyone can ever be brave or strong when looking at a baby who's life was cut short. It breaks every bit of my heart, and for 2 years I have sat back and watched colleagues and friends take on the task. I have not stepped into the organization with a session yet, but I'm sure my time is coming. I applaud those who have, and pray for each and every one of the families, babies, and volunteers. Now grab the tissue....


Megan said...

I'm with ya. I admire everyone who does this, but I just think God has some other area of service for me.

Deborah said...

wow, what a ministry...and what a heart wrenching one at that. having never lost or child i can not put myself in their shoes at all - but God is using these photographers to bring about precious memories in the face of heartache. You know that if God leads you to take these precious pictures, he will also give you the words to say and the incredible strength to bring those families a small amount of peace.