Friday, March 07, 2008

Oh, and just to answer a question....

So, you don't have to ask what a day in my life is like - let's just leave you with these images. They say it all.


Megan said...

Oh my gosh--what DID he get into?

Robin DePaula said...

Oh my goodness!!!! Baby girl is too cute!!! What is that all over our sweet little man???

luv ya - Robin

Jennifer said...

oh no, that sounds like a horrible day, but a great memory to tell the kids when they get older huh? Hahahaha. those are too funny, sorry for the bad day though, I go there every day pretty much anymore!

Kara May said...

I just ran across your blog and that second image of the baby asleep in the high chair is priceless!! Love it!

Tara Staton said...

LOL you totally just made me feel better about my bad kid day today. LOL I thought wyatts body covered in pen was bad today...that makes it look like nothing.