Wednesday, March 26, 2008


That's really the only word I've got for how this week has been. First let me start by saying it's been one of the busiest weeks I've had in a long time. Which of course has put me behind in my work. But that's ok, cause I have a session tomorrow then I get 4 whole days off with my hubby and kids and I couldn't be more ready! So, to start I was sick at the start of the week. No good, perfect timing of course - but it's passed fairly quickly. Mason started school, which put a whole new spin on things. Dropping off and picking up 5 days a week now, whereas when they were just doing preschool I only had to leave my house Tuesday's and Thursday's. Now I have to have everyone up and ready to be out the door every morning. Good news is, Mason goes to the later program, so we don't have to be out of here till after 9:30. Then on top of everything else, my site was down. That was out for about a day, which meant I couldn't get any of my regular emails - made for an interested day! THEN, my hubby has been bugging me for 2 months now to get him AT&T Uverse. We have dish, but they came knockin' this week and saved me a phone call - so I made the switch. Silly me though, didn't consider they'd be taking over my house for hours and tear it all apart. Taking care of 3 kids with a crew of 5 men working in every room isn't the easiest of tasks I tell you! Which meant that today while they were redoing everything I had no tv and no internet. And I had to stay out of their way, which meant off the computer. Which of course put me even more behind! I'm tired. *moan*

But, my real reason for posting is not to bore you with the sad details of my out of control week. I'm here to tell you about the amazing time Mason is having! He is doing INCREDIBLE!!! Let me just say, that I shouldn't be surprised. I put my faith where it needed to be, and we have been provided for in this situation more than I could ever imagine. On Tuesday we had to drop Reagan off at preschool first, and it confused Mason. He thought he had to go back to the old school and as soon as he saw it he lost it. It took him a bit to figure out he didn't have to stay, but as soon as we left he was bouncing around so excited to go to the new school! They happened to have a field trip today, which totally freaked me out only being his 3rd day, and he'd be on a bus(in a carseat). But he did so good, he loved the farm, totally loved the bus, it was great! He's been saying "fun" everytime we talk about school, and we've heard about the "piddies" (piggies) from the farm all day. It has made the transition for me so much easier. I am so happy he is in a safe, fun place he can just be himself in. Warms my little heart. Thank you so much for all the incredible support. There is no way I can ever explain how it feels to have such amazing friends that are just here. Really, thank you. Lots of love folks! I'm off to have a meeting with my pillow. :oP


Robin DePaula said...

WOW . . . bless your heart, you have had such a stressful week!!! You know you've got my support, anytime!!! Love you guys to pieces . . . muahhhh!!!

So happy that Mason is adjusting so well & so is momma!!!

Hope you get caught up really soon!

Lacey said...

aww i wanna hear abou tthe piddies! Good it is so glad to hear he is doing good there and most importantly happy! I am sure it is a great relief on you. I love you